
Sunday, March 4, 2012

February Beauty Box 5

 I had mentioned in my Battle of The Beauty Boxes post that I was waiting to receive the very first launch box from Beauty Box 5. I know I'm a little late in posting, but here is a look at the February box:

The first thing I noticed was the Smith's Rosebud Salve-this is a full size product!  This stuff is can use it for just about anything from chapped lips to dry skin, even diaper rash!  So far, I've only used it on my lips and it feels pretty darn good.  It does really smell like roses. I will say, it's kind of an odd smell to have on your lips, but it won't keep me from using it. This full size sample values around $6.

Next, are the Weleda Hydrating Day and Night Creams.  I've used them a few times now and so far so good.  Not a huge fan of the smell, but again, it's not bad enough to keep me away from it.  The full size Day cream goes for $20 (1oz) and the Night is $21 (1oz).  These samples contain 5 ml each, totaling about $7 in combined value. 

The Priti NYC Soy Nail Polish Remover Wipes are a great alternative to harsh acetone removers.  They are 100% readily biodegradable, non-toxic, and not carcinogenic.  This remover is derived from farm crops and does not contain any petroleum ingredients.  The only ingredients listed are Natural Soybean Esters, Biodegradable Dibasic Esters, and Organic Lemongrass Essential Oil.  A much healthier choice for your nails and the environment.  You'll pay $10 for 10 wipes, leaving this sample with a value of $1.

Last, and the only one I have not tried yet, is Comodynes Self-Tanning Towelette.  Self tanning products make me really nervous and I have not worked up the courage to put this on just yet.  From what I've read, it does get decent user reviews and they boast that this is the leading product of it's kind in Europe.  According to the Comodynes website, "their formula, with a moisturizing complex, eliminates the feeling of tightness and keeps the skin soft. Their perfume leaves no aroma on the skin."  I'll probably wait until I have a few days to stay in hiding before testing this out just in case I end up looking like an oompa loompa!  An 8-pack of these towelettes are currently selling for $13.99 on their website so we have a $1.75 value for this sample.

My verdict on Beauty Box 5's first box?  Honestly, I think it was a bit boring.  I was hoping that since this was the company's launch box, they would start off with a BANG.  Since it did include a full size product, and it happens to be the one I have the most interest in out of all of the samples, I will give them an extra point for that.  This box had a total value of about $15.75, so you're getting more than you paid for with the subscription costing $12 a month but that is not enough to really WOW me.  I think it's important to make the customer feel like they are getting a great deal and a lot of "bang for their buck" but I really just feel like they gave me free shipping on this one.

Beauty Box 5 did have a BOGO promo code available for this first box so at least I will be getting one more to really get a feel for what they have to offer without dishing out any more cash.  At this point, if the next box doesn't really impress me, I don't think I will keep my subscription. I know they are just starting out, but with all of the other sample programs available, they are really going to need to step up their game if they want to stand apart from the others.

If you subscribe to Beauty Box 5, I'd love to hear what your thoughts are so far!  For those who haven't, you can go check them out HERE.


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